Is Apple’s iCloud only for iOS and MacOS users?
Apple a profité lundi de la conférence inaugurale de la WWDC 2017 et de la présentation d’iOS 11 pour revoir les tarifs de son service de stockage en ligne iCloud, qui devient l’un des plus ... iCloud Drive et iCloud, différence, et configuration d ... ICLOUD DRIVE est un service lancé par Apple fin 2014. Il permet de stocker tous vos documents sur iCloud et de les partager ensuite entre vos divers appareils, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac et même PC. Il permet de stocker tous vos documents sur iCloud et de les partager ensuite entre vos divers appareils, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac et même PC. Will Apple create iCloud Drive for Android? | MacRumors Forums I just upgraded my iCloud to iCloud Drive. Will I be able to access my files in the future with an Android device? Apple Icloud for Android - Free downloads and reviews ...
iCloud Drive For Windows Users Now Available To Download… Apple's iCloud has never truly competed with the likes of Box, Google Drive et al because while it's fine for backing up, storing documents and other content like a virtual hard drive was never possible. Apple iOS 9 Review: Apple's Answer to Google | Digital Trends Apple's iOS 9 is finally here! We've been using the final version for a sort time, and here is our first review of the operating system. iCloud Drive iOS App: When Is it Coming? Is an iCloud Drive iOS app in the works? Probably not, seeing as Apple has already pulled similar apps from the App Store, but we have our fingers crossed. 6 Nifty Uses for Spare iCloud Storage
Currently, WhatsApp doesn’t offer any solution to restore your WhatsApp chats from iCloud/iCloud Drive to any Android device. As a matter of fact, there isn’t any way to restore your WhatsApp chats from Google Drive backup to iPhone. Sounds fair, ...